Motherhood Resources

“The prayer of the mother is the most powerful tool. Once you give birth to a child, give him the highest gift: pray for that child. Giving birth to a child and not adding prayer to that child is just building a house with no foundation.” Yogi Bhajan (YB Teachings, LLC)


Pregnancy / birth:

Gurmukh Kaur (2004)  Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
Gaskin, Ina May (2003) Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Gaskin, Ina May (2004: 1970’s)  Spiritual Midwifery
Leboyer, Frederick (1975) Birth Without Violence (read online here!)
Odent, Michael (2008) Birth and Breastfeeding: Rediscovering the Needs of Women During Pregnancy and Childbirth
Odent, Michael (2004) The Caesarean


“The Conscious Parent” Shefali Tsabary
“The Continuum concept – in search for happiness lost” Jean Liedloff
“How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish (on ka eesti keelde tõlgitud)
“A Guide to Child health” Michaela Glocker et al (on ka eesti keelde tõlgitud)


Articles by Sukhdev Kaur:

After-birth: recipes and recommendations 
The Art of Serving our Children
 (Published by the Finnish Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association)
God-like Parenting
Teadlik lapsevanem – laste teenimse kunst (ökobeebi kodulehel)
Parent’s ongoing tests
The things I learnt from my first 40 days after birth
A few words on patience
When you surrender (first months at home with baby)
The cleaning lady from my kindergarden
Platsenta kapslid / homoöpaatilised terad jm kasulikud asjad sinu platsentast.
Parenting with kindness:5 tips on a compassionate childraising (march 2014 Sensa article)
Viis mõtted mõistvast lastekasvatusest (Sensa 2014)
Embracing Grief with gratitude
Lein Tänumeeles (Sensa 2014)
A yoga exercise for pregnancy (eesti keeles Sensa 2015)

Conscious Parenting
– a growing resource and network for parents who are in the spiritual path. If you want to join the mailing list please send me an email!
Kundalini women
– Conscious pregnancy yoga trainings, info and resources on Kundalini women and spiritual teachings on women
WombEcology – “the most vital branch of human ecology”, a great resource for the main questions regarding pregnancy and the effects of intervention and drugs during birth
Primal Health Research Database– medical and research papers on Primal Health period (from conception until 3 years) and the impact of pregnancy and birth on the health years after.
The third stage of labor – information about the third stage (until delivery of placenta), very useful to know
La Leche League International – all about breastfeeding
Lamaze International – good resource for specific questions, check the forum “Ask Henci”
The rebozo way – baby sling and traditional babywearing methods and tips (specially see the articles section)
Attachment parenting – resource for parenting



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School of Kundalini Yoga and Humanology & Guru Ram Das Institute at Rajamaa, Estonia