Rebirthing Meditation Intensive

A transformative meditation workshop
with Sukhdev Kaur Khalsa
Kundalini yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

The subconscious is the “storehouse of misery”. The reason we suffer and we cannot get out of old habits of negativity is that the subconscious is overloaded. Rebirthing meditations, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, help unclog the subconscious so that your “home within yourself” will shine and be purified

Taassünni meditatsioonid, mis Yogi Bhajan õpetas, on võimsad ja
sügavad meditatsioonid mis puhastavad allateadvust – “the storehouse of misery” (vaesuse ja viletsuse ladu). Taasünni meditatsioonid on mõeldud selleks et vabaneda kõigest, mis hoiab meid allasurutud ja ei luba tõelisusel valgusel välja paista.

A stinking subconscious blocks every happiness in life. If your subconscious is totally cleared and clean you’ll be a lot happier and more effective than you are today” – Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan



Rebirthing Intensive Day: Saturday April 6th 10:00 – 17:00 EEST (in person and on zoom includes lunch)

Rebirthing Evening meditation: Friday April 26th 17:30-19:00 EEST – ON ZOOM only

in english (and estonian if needed)

Teacher: Sukhdev Kaur Khalsa

Sometimes each person’s load can only be taken collectively. Collectively we can pull the weight. We have a collective strength in us, hand in hand, in friendship, in the love, and in the affection. Do not keep things to yourself and say, ‘I cannot.’ There is nothing you cannot do.

Tasakaalupanus / Price:

Rebirthing intensive day:
Your investment: 62 € to be paid on the bank account below or Paypal

Rebirthing evening meditation:
Your investment: 22 € to be paid on the bank account below or Paypal

**Majanduslikes rasketes olukordades osalejad palun võtke ühendust.**
**If you have financial difficulties please contact us for another arrangement.**

Osalemine: Kõik osalejad peavad end registreerima allolevas vormis. Etteregistreerimise hinna rakendamiseks palun tee ülekanne kontole Urban Dharma OÜ EE137700771002081453
selgitusega “Rebirthing, kuupäev ja sinu nimi”.

Participation: All participants must register beforehand by filling the form below. Payments go to Paypal or the European bank account: Urban Dharma OÜ
IBAN: EE137700771002081453 BIC: LHVBEE22
The workshop is led in English and Estonian language.

Rebirthing workshop on juhendatud eesti keeles ja inglise keeles. Juhendab Sukhdev Kaur Khalsa, kellel on väga pikk kogemus Kundalini jooga ja nende Rebirthing meditatsiooniga.

*** rebirthing meditatsioon ei ole mõeldud alla 16-aastastele ega rasedatele! Rebirthing workshop is not suitable for pregnant ladies nor participants under 16 years old.

Palume kõikidel osalejatel täita registreerimisvorm:

School of Kundalini Yoga and Humanology & Guru Ram Das Institute at Rajamaa, Estonia